PDF Digital Signature Validation

Did you ever receive a PDF document which is digitally signed? When you open this document in Adobe Acrobat, you'll notice that Adobe Acrobat is validating the document by showing a very small 'green checkbox' in the top left, something like this:

Signature is valid

Ok, great, but what does it mean?

It means that this document has been 'digitally signed' or better, somebody has used 'a certificate' to perform 'a signature' on the content of a PDF document.

Hold up, what do we mean with a 'certificate' and where can I find them?

Simply put, a certificate can be seen as an electronic document which you can use to authenticate or digitally sign. A certificate contains information about an identity. You can find those certificates on EU national ID cards for example; you can buy them at from a Certificate Authority (CA), ...

Now, how does that work? And how can I validate digitally signed PDF documents using an API?

This tutorial will explain the following:

  • how to validate documents in Adobe Acrobat
  • how to perform the same validation of digitally signed document in your own application

For the latter, a step-by-step approach will be used. An example implementation is provided on Github:


The application is available online.

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