Status codes

HTTP Status Codes

T1C-GCL uses the following HTTP response codes when handling a request.

Code Description Info
200 Success The request was successful
400 Bad Request The request input contains errors (e.g. wrong json)
408 Request Timeout The maximum wait time was exceeded without receiving a result
412 Precondition Failed An application error occurred while handling the request (e.g. pin blocked)

In case of an error (400 or 412) the response will contain a body with more detailed information about the error:

  success: false,
  description: "some error description",
  code: "some error code"

All possible values of the codes are described below in "Application Status Codes"
The description field contains more information and a stack trace from the exception.

Status codes

HTTP Status Codes

T1C-GCL uses the following HTTP response codes when handling a request.

Code Description Info
200 Success The request was successful
400 Bad Request The request input contains errors (e.g. wrong json)
412 Precondition Failed An application error occurred while handling the request (e.g. pin blocked)

In case of an error (400 or 412) the response will contain a body with more detailed information about the error:

  success: false,
  description: "some error description",
  code: "some error code"

All possible values of the codes are described below in "Application Status Codes"
The description field contains more information and a stack trace from the exception.

Application Status Codes

Code Description
0 Card reader error
1 No reader found
2 Card reader is not a Belfius reader
Code Description
100 Card error
101 Card not present
102 Wrong card (not an eID)
103 Wrong pin, 2 tries remaining
104 Wrong pin, 1 try remaining
105 Pin blocked
106 Invalid Pin
107 Verify Pin not supported on reader
108 Application locked
109 Verify Pin cancelled
110 Verify Pin timed out
111 Wrong pin, 4 tries remaining
112 Wrong pin, 3 tries remaining
113 PUK blocked

JWT Security errors

Code Description
200 JWT token is malformed
201 No valid certificate available
202 JWT token algorithm is not supported
203 JWT token has an incorrect signature
204 JWT token UID is incorrect
205 JWT token is expired

Library errors

Code Description
300 Failed to load the library
301 Installed GCL incompatible with library version
302 No installed GCL component found

Session errors

Code Description
400 Session error
401 No active session
402 Invalid session id

Agent errors

Code Description
500 Agent error
501 Unknown agent

Pin Enforcement errors

Code Description
600 PIN provided when no PIN was expected
601 PIN not provided when it was expected to be present

Input errors

Code Description
800 Invalid json
801 Invalid arguments
802 Invalid HTTP request
803 X-Authentication-Token header missing
804 Invalid X-Authentication-Token header

General errors

Code Description
900 Internal error
901 Invalid configuration
902 Invalid container configuration
903 Container download failed
904 Container download timeout

results matching ""

    No results matching ""