

The GCL has 2 configuration files. t1c.json is used by the application and should never be changed manually. This file has a signature, so tempering with it will invalidate the file. t1c_config.json can be changed manually, for more information see below.


OS Location
Windows %PROGRAMDATA%/T1T/Trust1Connector
macOS /Library/Application Support/T1T/Trust1Connector
Linux /etc/trust1connector


  "checksum": "....",
  "config": {
    "activated": true,
    "plugins": {
      "file": "file_path_of_the_container",
      "hash": "sha256_hash_of_the_container"
Setting Description
activated The activation flag of the T1C
plugins The list of loaded containers by the T1C


All settings are optional, default values are described below. The only exception are the list of consent info messages, if you specify a language, all three fields must be present.

    "citrix": {
        "enabled": true,
        "inactive_counter": 3
        "metadata": {
            "key1": "value1",
            "key2": "%USER%"
    "consent": {
        "enabled": true
    "log_level": "info",
    "network": {
        "access_control_allow_credentials": "true",
        "access_control_allow_headers": "Accept,Accept-Version,Content-Length,Content-MD5,Content-Type,Date,apikey,Authorization,X-Consumer-JWT,X-Consumer-Username",
        "access_control_allow_origin": "*",
        "cache_control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Setting Default value Description
citrix.enabled false En- or disable citrix mode.
citrix.inactive_counter 3 The amount of times an agent can go without sending a keepalive before it's considered inactive. The time is multiplied with the registration_interval setting.
citrix.metadata empty list A list of T1C agent metadata, environment variables can be used for the values. To indicate an environment variable, wrap it in %'s.
citrix.registration_interval 30 seconds The interval to send a keepalive to the server in seconds.
consent.enabled false En- or disable the consent functionality. This will show a popup to ask a consent from the user to use a device.
log_level info The log level of the T1C. Allowed values: full, debug, info, notification, warning, error.
network See example Allows to change the http network headers (CORS).
port 10443 The port of the T1C.
timeout 60 The interval in seconds after which a response timeout is returned.

If your Trust1Connector package has Citrix capabilities, you can dis- or enable this.

In order to enable Citrix, you must take the following steps:

  • Stop the Trust1Connector service (Windows services, launchctl on macOS)
  • Edit the t1c_config.json configuration file with citrix.enabled = true (see Locations to find the t1c_config.json file)
  • Logout or restart the machine.
  • The service and the Citrix agent will automatically start at login of the user.

To disable, follow the same steps but set citrix.enabled = false.

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